New Sarepta Elementary School


LRC Free Family Pass

NSES has Family Passes to the Leduc Recreation Centre for our families to borrow. A parent or guardian can reserve one at [email protected]. Passes can be borrowed for 1-week and will be loaned from Friday to Thursday. Lost/late passes may have a charge for replacement.

PD Plans

Professional Development Days are of great value to teachers in keeping up with new approaches and instructional methods and exchanging ideas with colleagues. Students do not attend school on these Professional Development days.

2024/25 Black Gold School Division PD Days

  • September 20
  • October 11
  • November 1
  • December 2
  • January 29
  • February 6 & 7 – ATA Teacher’s Convention
  • March 10
  • April 22
  • May 16

PD Goal:

To develop staff collaboration skills and orient new staff to school culture.

What data are you using to focus on this goal?

Data from staff, students and parents focused on the importance of individual personalities in effective staff functioning, communication and shaping of culture within a school.

PD Activities:

1.  Building a community with a common purpose

2.  Encouraging tolerance and understanding

3.  Creating a sense of belonging and connectivity

4.  Creating a climate of cooperation and collaborative problem-solving

5.  Improving communication within the group

6.  Developing trust, care, compassion, kindness and creating empathy

7.  Creating an understanding and awareness of individual differences, personality strengths and professional goals

8. Importance of creativity and thinking outside the box

9. Higher levels of job satisfaction and commitment

Division Alignment:

  • Student achievement
  • Teacher efficacy
  • Wellness
  • A safe and caring environment

Success Indicators:

1. Team members are committed to the work of the team and accept responsibilities for roles

2. Impact in the classroom

3. Development of a clear process for information sharing

4. Evidence of ongoing learning opportunities for teachers to enhance skill

5. Heightened sense of personal satisfaction and commitment that has an impact in the classroom and school